Mini Fool Rhubarb


Mini Fool Rhubarb

Mini Fool Rhubarb
Mini Fool Rhubarb

"The Mini Rhubarb Fool is our updated take of the traditional English Rhubarb Fool. This spring favorite combines seasonal cooked, pink-colored sugary rhubarb with thick whipped cream. Served in a mini glass, this spring delight is a winner. As the days grow warmer, there’s no better way to enjoy the season’s bounty than with a Mini Rhubarb Fool. This simple, three-ingredient recipe combines tart rhubarb, smooth heavy cream, and just the right amount of sugar to create a perfect springtime treat. It’s easy to make and looks stunning in any serving dish, making it ideal for spring get-togethers. Dive into this spring delight and see why everyone loves this classic dessert! Ingredients to make this recipe: ½ pound red rhubarb discard leaves, stalks cut into ½-inch pieces ⅓ cup sugar 1 cup heavy cream"

Serves4 mini jars

Preparation Time15 min

Chilling Time2 hr

Cooking Time20 min

Cooking MethodNo Bake, Skillet

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