
How Much Juice is in One Lime?

Easily find out how many limes you need for that recipe you're dying to try!

By: Kaylin Johnson, Editor, RecipeLion

If you're making a recipe that calls for lime juice, you are probably wondering exactly how many limes you will need.

This cooking question is simple in principle. How much juice is in one lime?  There are about two tablespoons, or one fluid ounce, of juice in an average lime.

It's not always this easy to calculate, though. Limes can vary in size, though not as much as lemons. Still, this can affect the amount of juice that can be found inside one lime.

There are also different types of limes. The three most common types of limes can contain different amounts of juice.

How to Pick a Lime

When choosing a lime, you first have to take the different types of limes into account. The most common limes sold in the United States are the Persian Lime and Key Lime.

You may recognize the Key Lime from the popular dessert Key Lime Pie. These limes are typically used in pies and not in many other recipes.

Persian limes are most likely the ones you are most familiar with. If your recipe just calls for limes, it probably means Persian limes. These are the limes you will easily find at your supermarket. 

Once you have decided on a type of lime, though, how do you know which lime has the most juice?

There are a few key ways of spotting a juicy lime. First, you should look for the greenest limes. Stay away from the more yellow-green ones. These limes can be over-ripe. You will also want to look for a firm and heavy fruit. The heavier the fruit, the more juice inside. 

Lime Juice Equivalent

So now you know how many tablespoons are in an average lime, but what if your recipe calls for another measurement? Instead of whipping out that calculator to work out the conversions, keep reading to find any lime juice equivalents you may need.

How Much Juice In An Average Lime:
1 average Lime = 2 Tablespoons = 1 Fluid Ounce

1 Key Lime = 2 Teaspoons = 0.33 Fluid Ounces

How Many Limes For One Cup Of Juice:
8 average limes will produce 1 cup of juice (8 fluid ounces)

24 Key limes will produce 1 cup of juice (8 fluid ounces)

Other Measurements For Lime Juice:
You need 4 average limes (or 12 Key limes) to get 1/2 cup of juice (4 ounces)

You need 3 average limes (or 8 Key limes) to get 1/3 cup of juice (2.66 ounces)

You need 2 average limes (or 6 Key limes) to get 1/4 cup of juice (2 ounces)

How to Juice a Lime

Before you begin juicing your limes, there are some ways to ensure you get the most juice possible.

Rolling your lime on the table or microwaving it for 20 seconds will help to loosen up the juices inside and make the lime easier to squeeze.

Once your limes are ready, you'll have to choose your juicing method. The best way to get the most juice out of a lime is by using a citrus juicer, but if you can't get your hands on one, it's pretty simple without a juicer, too. Simply cut the lime into wedges and squeeze into a measuring cup. You may not get as much juice this way, though.

Tip: You can also use tongs in place of a citrus juicer! Just place a halved lime in the tongs a squeeze.


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