
Vegetable Cooking Timetable


  • Test for doneness after minimum time given here. Cubed and sliced
  • vegetables will cook faster than whole. Parboiled (blanched)
  • vegetables, which will complete their cooking in sauce or butter,
  • should be slightly undercooked. All are best when they are still
  • slightly crunchy.


Boiling and Steaming Boil vegetables in lightly salted water to cover. Steam vegetables in steaming rack or basket over 1-inch lightly salted boiling water. All boiling (B) and steaming (S) times are in minutes. If there is no time listed for a given method, then it is not recommended. Vegetable B S ARTICHOKE 20-30 25-35 ASPARAGUS spears 10-12 12-15 pieces 5-10 10-15 (add tips last 5 min) BEANS green 8-15 10-15 lima (fresh) 20-25 BEETS 25-45 BROCCOLI 5-10 12-15 CABBAGE shredded 2-4 4-8 wedges 10-12 10-15 CARROTS (simmer - DON'T BOIL) sliced 15 18 whole 20-30 25-30 CAULIFLOWER florets 9-12 12-15 whole 20-30 25-35 CORN-on-the-COB 3-5 EGGPLANT cubed 5-8 LEEKS (if large halve lengthwise) 5-10 10-15 OKRA 5-10 PARSNIPS (whole or halved) 25-30 PEAS - green 4-10 POTATOES quartered 20-30 sliced 15 SNOW PEAS 2-3 3-5 SPINACH 5-7 (steam without basket or rack in water remaining on washed leaves) SQUASH summer 8-15 winter 10-20 10-20 (simmer - DON'T BOIL) SWEET POTATOES peeled 15 unpeeled 25 TURNIPS & RUTABAGAS sliced 10-15 12-18 whole 20-30 25-35


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