
Coconut Milk Is a Liquid Relied on in the Caribbean Where Fresh


  • Pierce the 3 eyes of a dried coconut and drain out the water.
  • Strain and set aside. Put the coconut, eyes down, on a very hard
  • surface and bash away at it generously with a hammer. It will
  • crack into small enough pieces to make it easy to remove the meat
  • with a knife, levering the pieces out. Do not bother to remove
  • the brown skin. Put the pieces through the food mill, grate, or
  • whirl in an electric blender with the strained coconut water.


milk is scarce. It is made there from fresh grated coconut and. strained coconut water, but two acceptable substitutes for the. fresh product are coconut meal, sold by health food stores, and. Baker's Southern-style coconut. Canned coconut milk is also. available in stores selling tropical foods. For those who would. like to like their own, here is a basic recipe:. Pour over the coconut enough hot water to cover and soak for an hour. Strain through a napkin three times, squeezing bard to remove all the liquid. Store in the refrigerator as coconut milk sours very quickly. For coconut cream, allow chilled coconut milk to stand until the cream rises to the top. If a coconut is not available, use dried coconut flakes. Rinse in cold water to remove excess sugar, reduce in a blender with milk or light cream, and cook, stirring from time to time over the lowest possible heat for 15 minutes. Cool and squeeze through a napkin.


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