
Snails Andorran Style


  • Clean the snails thoroughly and place them to cook in cold water
  • with a glass of white wine and aromatic herbs.


While they are cooking, in your saucepan fry some small slices of somewhat fatty ham or turned bacon lard, about 200 grams of sausage or white pudding cut into small pieces so that they will disintegrate while cooking, a chopped onion, bay leaf, oregano, thyme and a small chili pepper. When it has browned, add a nice ripe tomato which you have peeled and chopped up. Let it cook for some minutes and then drain the snails and add them. Throw in a cup of cognac, a ladleful of broth, a little cinnamon powder and a bit of black pepper. Let it come to the boil and salt to taste. When all this is cooking, give the saucepan a shake from time to time. When it is cooked, crush a couple of cloves of garlic, add a spoonful of flour dissolved in a few spoonfuls of water, add an egg yolk (or two, depending on how many snails you have), stir it all up, put it into the saucepan and give it a good shake. Sprinkle it with chopped parsley.


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