
Corn & Potato Chowder with Wild Rice

Corn Potato Chowder with Wild Rice

"Corn & Potato Chowder with Wild Rice is a hearty comfort food that will fill you up and keep you warm. I tried this for the first time over at my sister-in-law’s house, and it was so amazing I made my own batch that very same week. This would be amazing with some cubed chicken or turkey in it as well! When September rolls around I start getting really excited, because while I LOVE the grilling season; my heart is definitely with winter cooking. The grilling is much more Jeremiah’s specialty, and I’m pretty glad to leave him to it. While a great grilled smoked pork chop is high up on my list of favorite things, when it comes to cooking I’m all about the pasta salads, potato salad, and the coleslaw on the side."


  • 1 cup Salted Butter
  • 1 cup All-Purpose Flower

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