
Homemade Spinach Ricotta Ravioli With Sage Butter Sauce

By: Viana Boenzli from Maplewood Road
Homemade Spinach Ricotta Ravioli With Sage Butter Sauce

"This recipe for homemade spinach ricotta ravioli with sage butter sauce touches all your senses. Yes, it takes a little time. But it’s a super satisfying meal to prepare, cook, and eat. It starts with making a dough by hand (touch), followed by mixing the ingredients for the filling (sight). Next we assemble the ravioli. And finally, carefully melting some butter and crisping (hearing) some sage leaves to create a wonderful smelling (smell) sauce for these incredible tasty (taste) ravioli. From starting the dough to sitting down to enjoy your creation takes about an hour. It’s an hour of pleasure gained in your life. As soon as you take the first bite, your mind will remember every step you used to create this wonderful meal – and your friends will be pretty happy, too. "


Preparation Time55 min

Cooking Time5 min


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