
Maverick Flip Tip Instant Read Thermometer

Maverick Flip Tip Instant Read Thermometer


Reviewed by , Editor,

Cooking a perfect roast or chicken dinner is simple with the Maverick Flip Tip Thermometer. The long and thin probe is kept secure within the tool and flips out when you press the main button. An easy-to-read digital interface takes any guesswork out of your cooking. 

I love the simplicity of this model. The probe flips open just by hitting the top bottom. The tool powers up as soon as the probe flips open completely, eliminating any extra steps. This makes it especially convenient when you don't have two hands free.

The probe measures the temperature of food incredibly fast. This means you can know right away if your food is ready to come off the heat. Any delay, could overcook certain foods so this in an important feature. It will give you an exact and accurate temperature measurement so you know if the meat or food you are making is done. 

You can switch back and forth between F and C with one of the only other buttons. There is also a button to reset the tool. When you are finished using it, the probe folds back in for safe storage. This reliable tool is a must-have in any home cook's kitchen!


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