
The Reason That Cornish/devonian Clotted Cream Is So Good Is That


  • The old Cornish farmers recipe for making clotted cream at home is
  • as set out below. Almost all farmers kitchens in Cornwall and Devon
  • include large kitchen ranges that are on all he time to provide
  • central heating as required and hot water. It follows that heat,
  • and across a range of temperatures, is always freely available.


they use the unpasteurised milk from Jersey cows that produce the. richest and creamiest milk in the UK. It is also why most creams. from those counties are also superior to most others.. First, the essential requirement is a wide shallow pan into which is poured 1 pint of rich creamy milk. This is left undisturbed for 24 hours for the cream to rise to the top. If you don't have rich creamy milk, you can use double cream instead and forget the 24 hours. Next, heat the pan very gently to a temperature of about 180oF (82oC) and keep it at this temperature for about an hour. The cream on the top will eventually develop a thick, rich, crinkled and slightly yellowed crust. When that occurs, turn off the heat and allow the pan to cool. When cold, skim off the cream and you have clotted cream.


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